The Magnetic Memory Method Podcast

9 Signs You Need Memory Training Magnetic Memory Method PodcastA lack of memory training plagues every nation. It’s true.

And as far as I know, no country on the planet includes dedicated memory training in its educational programming.

The result?

We have all experienced unnecessary pain and frustration thanks to forgetting precious information.


But That’s Not The Biggest Problem!


The biggest problem is that we don’t always know the signs related to our memory problems. Without that critical insight, we can’t make proper decisions about taking memory training. (Worse, you might wind up wasting time on memory training software that you really don’t need if you have a solid understanding of mnemonics and other memory techniques.)

Here’s the good news: I know the signs that you need memory training. And I have the solutions, none of which involve wasting time on tedious memory training games or the fraud of photographic memory training.


Let’s go through each of the 9 signs you need memory training in detail so you have a better grip and know exactly what to do. You’ll find a tip included with each sign that will help ease each problem. Work on improving just one issue per month and well within a year, you will be the owner of a superior memory you’re proud to call home.


Sign You Need Memory Training #1:
You Can’t Remember Names


You know the scene:

Two seconds after hearing someone’s name and shaking hands, you’re looking into the eyes of a stranger. And now instead of paying attention to the conversation, you’re paddling around the pond of your mind …

“Was his name Ross … or Roger … or Tom?”

The feeling is tiring and exasperating. Most of us have grown so accustomed to it that we laugh off our forgetfulness instead of getting memory training to take care of the problem.


The fix is simple: Learn and practice the simple art of association. When you meet someone named Lars, instantly see Lars Ulrich from Metallica drumming on the top of their head with drumsticks made of “lar”d. If you meet a Betty, see Betty Crocker pouring flour into her ear while midgets “bet” on how Betty is going to react.

The associations don’t have to be celebrities. One John you already know can help you remember the name of another.

Associations are just the beginning of memory training for how to remember names, a quick tip that will serve you well. There are other memory techniques in this department of the art of memory you can use to memorize names for which you have no immediate association.


Sign You Need Memory Training #2:
Your Mind Goes Blank During Exams


Stress and pressure cause havoc on memory. The higher the stakes, the more we quake in our boots, especially after weeks of diligent study during which we’ve dreamed of a great post-exam future.

In addition to taking basic memory training based on the principle of association, you can add relaxation to your memory exercise. A lot of people skip this step in memory training (assuming it was included at all), but relaxation is one of the most critical tools in remembering.

Meditation before studying, including progressive muscle relaxation, can be repeated before sitting for your exam. Reproducing the same calm physical state will help your memory in exams a great deal because you will have reduced fight-or-flight syndrome.

In some cases, you can also get access to the examination room and study in it. That way you’ll be entering a familiar environment. And as Scott Gosnell talks about in this interview about mnemonist Giordano Bruno and memory techniques, you can even use that room as a Memory Palace.

Put relaxation and a Memory Palace together as part of your memory training profile and you’ll never need to sweat through an exam again. And here’s more info on avoiding 17 other student fails related to your memory. I got you covered.


Sign You Need Memory Training #3:
Your Memory Gets You In Trouble At Work


There’s nothing worse than having your boss mad at you because you still can’t remember simple data points or you need your password reset for the umpteenth time.

But countless are the ways having reliable memory skills at work can keep your boss off your back. A good memory based on solid memory training can make you the boss.

Your work undoubtedly involves a lot of numbers, so you’ll want to learn the Major Method. It lets you quickly associate images with numbers so that they’re easy to recall. With a bit of practice, you’ll be rattling off not only budgetary figures but also the complex formulas used to manage them in no time.


Sign You Need Memory Training #4:
You Struggle With Dates, Appointments,

Birthdays & Anniversaries


When you think about it, putting together the day, month, year and hour of the day is a lot of information. Sometimes we get it all together right away, but usually … not.

You now have a link to the Major Method, but you’ll also benefit from having a mnemonic calendar in your mind. To get started with this aspect of memory training, associate an image with each day of the week. For example, for Friday, see a giant frying pan, an opera-singing satellite for Saturday and a massive Ice Cream Sundae for Sunday.

Once you know the Major Method, you can interact any combination of hours and minutes with any day of the week. You just need to create vignettes or stories using your imagery.


Sign You Need Memory Training #5:
You Start And Give Up On Language Learning

Goals Due To Poor Memory


People around the world dream of learning a second language, but so few ever do. There are a lot of moving parts involved in language learning, and that means multiple bumps on the road.

But the biggest barrier to entry is memory. You can’t practice a new language without a growing profile of information stored in memory and available for access. And contrary to popular belief, repetition a.k.a. rote learning is not enough on its own.

Rather, you need a dedicated means of creating memories and actively helping your brain access those memories. To do that, this memory training video about The Big 5 Of Language Learning is highly recommended viewing:

Sign You Need Memory Training #6:
You Find It Hard To Concentrate


Concentration might not immediately seem like a memory training issue. But in reality, it’s the crux of memory because remembering and recalling information requires focus.

The beautiful thing is that developing your memory automatically increases concentration and focus. Plus, the better you get at one, the better you get at the other.

One great and very light concentration exercise was suggested by Dr. Gary Small. He talks about noticing four aspects of a person you see on the street and then recalling those details a few hours later.

That’s great as a memory training exercise, but as a concentration exercise, practice noticing four details of EVERYONE you see. You’ll find it difficult at first, but soon you’ll find that you’re much more observant of the world around you.

Even better, this increased concentration will spill over into other areas of your life, including paying attention to the details of conversations.


Sign You Need Memory Training #7:
You Suffer From “Senior Moments”


There’s nothing worse than walking into a room and then forgetting why you went in there.

The reason this happens seems to involve an overwhelm of new stimulation. When you move from one room to the next, for example, you’re suddenly bombarded by new:

* air quality
* light levels
* sounds
* textures

… and potentially people and a whole host of other variables that hold zero connection to the reason you entered the room in the first place.

To combat senior moments like these, try closing one fist tightly while repeating the reason you’re leaving the room. Do this with emphasis as you cross the threshold of the door when you’re first facing a rush of new information.

I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how quickly senior moments disappear from your life once you start using this unique memory training technique.


Sign You Need Memory Training #8:
You’re Constantly Afraid Of

Alzheimer’s & Dementia


You have every reason to be worried about brain diseases that rob you of your memory. Alzheimer’s is one of the biggest threats besides brain trauma and no one in their right mind wants either.

Although there’s no hard and fast proof that memory training prevents such conditions, it’s a worthy investment because you live in the here and now. Plus, it’s more likely that people serious about their overall brain health will also eat foods that improve memory. That’s an even surer path to protecting your brain as you age.

Once you’ve felt the power of memory improvement, you’ll be inspired to play higher order brain games and do all kinds of things that not only ward off Alzheimer’s and Dementia. The memory training activities help you experience an incredible life so that even if you do face those conditions in the future, you’ll have enjoyed an amazing mental life until that time.

Always remember this: Memory is the now. Always, and yours can be the greatest.


Sign You Need Memory Training #9:
You Kick Yourself For Not Doing The Exercises

In That Memory Training You Bought


You know you need memory help when you’ve started taking memory training, but never follow through.

However, you have indeed started investing in memory training and that’s a great sign that you can pull through. You just need to create a plan of action based on those memory training books and courses.

Then, commit to reading the entire book from cover to cover or watching all the videos. A lot of people want interactivity and learning by doing is super-important when it comes to memory training exercises.

By the same token, it helps many others to have a global overview. The art of memory has some technical aspects and it really helps to go through everything before getting started.

Either way, complete the exercises.


All. Of. Them.


The reason memory training resources come with exercises is so that you can see the techniques in action and get results. But if you don’t do them, you won’t fully understand the techniques and your skill set can’t build.

It’s as simple as that. So crack open that memory training book on your shelf. Read it from cover to cover and then do everything it says. Yes, it requires a bit of sacrifice, but it will be the best time, energy and money you’ll ever spend.

Heck, this doesn’t even have to cost you a dime. Libraries still exist, you’ve got my Free Memory Improvement Kit and the Internet is filled with information.

No excuses. Take action and you’ll be rewarded.


We All Need Memory Training


Believe it or not, even the most accomplished memory champions need help with their memory. Even of the most impressive winners are no better than anyone else without memory training.

And we all need to make memory training, memory exercises, memory techniques and mnemonics an ongoing part of our lives. And just as with any aspect of physical fitness, we need to maintain our gains.

Luckily, just like going to the gym, memory training is fun. It makes you feel great and you can experience a rush of accomplishment whenever you want simply by using the tools your memory training has given you.

If you’re ready to give memory training a try, or if you’re already on the road, take a second to leave a discussion post and let’s get busy remembering everything and anything we want.

The post 9 Signs You Need Memory Training, Memory Techniques And Mnemonics appeared first on Magnetic Memory Method - How to Memorize With A Memory Palace.

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